Self-Love Affirmation Cards

Want a simple way to connect with yourself and incorporate self-love into your daily life? These Self-Love Affirmation Cards will do just that! These printable…

self love affirmation cards

Want a simple way to connect with yourself and incorporate self-love into your daily life? These Self-Love Affirmation Cards will do just that! These printable positive affirmation cards will encourage self-love and self-care, and boost confidence and self-esteem. Use these daily affirmations yourself, or they make a great self-love gift.  

Available on Etsy! Instantly download and print!

You should have no problem finding exactly what fits your needs. There are 4 color options, 41 affirmation cards, and a few blank cards to add your own favorite affirmations.

The full product description for the Self-Love Affirmation Cards are available on the Etsy listing. Click on the links provided for more information!

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Everything You Need to Create the Perfect Self-Soothe Box:

This list comes from this Successfully Self-Soothe with the Best Techniques (and Tools from Amazon) post! Check it out for more information to help you self-soothe using your five senses.

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