This post has 136 affirmations to help you overcome perfectionism and perfectionist thinking. Use these affirmations daily to practice compassion, patience, and acceptance.
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When perfectionism is driving, shame is riding shotgun, and fear is that annoying backseat driver.
Dr. Brené Brown, PhD, MSW
Are you looking for another tool to help you overcome perfectionism? I recommend Brené Brown’s book, “The Gifts of Imperfection”. It’s an easy read and an affordable resource. Click here!
Perfectionism is a difficult thing to live with and experience.
The pressure one puts on oneself when one suffers from perfectionist thinking can be harmful and exhausting.
Perfectionism doesn’t make you feel perfect; it makes you feel inadequate.
Maria Shriver
However, perfectionism is not a life sentence, you can work on overcoming it.
It takes time, effort, and a deep dive into anxieties and unhealthy thought patterns, but it is not impossible.
One simple thing you can incorporate into your daily life is affirmations. They take little time and effort. Keep a note on your phone, write them on paper, and save some to a board on Pinterest.
Let these affirmations help you in your perfectionism journey by practicing mindfulness, self-compassion, patience, self-love, and acceptance.
The 4 Best Tips for Journaling as an Anxious Perfectionist
136 Affirmations for Perfectionism
Are you looking for more tools to help you in your perfectionism journey? The Adventures of Self-Love Etsy Shop has journals, coloring pages, activity books, and more! Perfect for practicing and cultivating self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth.
The #1 Life-Changing Workbook for Anxiety You Need Right Now
Daily Reflection Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self Everyday
- I don’t have to be perfect to be accepted and loved.
- I let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace authenticity.
- I allow myself to be imperfect.
- I do not need to be perfect to be powerful.
- Action is better than perfection.
- I choose to honor and express my needs.
- I am learning to set healthy and realistic expectations for myself.
- I am learning to set healthy boundaries.
- I can tolerate mistakes and imperfections.
- I choose to pursue wholeness instead of perfection.
- I acknowledge that trying to satisfy everyone is impossible and can have a negative impact on my mental health. I have the power to choose whose opinion matters to me.
- I know I cannot control what others think of me, and I choose to let go of that need.
- Mistakes are normal and nothing to be ashamed of.
- It is okay to not always be perfect or pleasing to others.
I’ve already put together these affirmations all in one place for you!
Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists!
The full product description for the Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists is available on the Etsy listing. Click on the links provided for more information!
- I am learning to be myself around others. I am learning the importance of taking care of myself and my own needs.
- It’s okay to be my true self around others.
- I am willing to be my true self around others.
- I am so much more than my achievements.
- I am so much more than my accomplishments.
- I am learning that there is more to life than success.
- I am satisfied with doing my best.
- It is okay to make mistakes, that is how we learn.
- I am learning to accept mistakes.
- I am open to receiving support from others.
- I am learning to accept things that I cannot control.
- I am learning how to incorporate downtime into my daily life.
- It is okay to prioritize rest and relaxation.
- I am learning to relax and let go.
- It’s okay to be upset when things go wrong.
- I am doing my best.
- It is okay to be angry sometimes. I am learning how to express my anger in healthy and appropriate ways.
Revamp Your Reset Day Routine With These 4 Remarkable Tips
Cultivate Confidence and Empowerment with the Best Self-Esteem Affirmations
It’s better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.
Sophia Loren
The 12 Best Date Ideas to Successfully Date Yourself and Show Yourself Some Much-Needed Love
- I will practice self-compassion instead of self-criticism.
- I choose to embrace the process, not just the outcome.
- I choose to enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
- I release the need to control every outcome.
- I vow to myself that I am committed to doing what I can to overcome my perfectionism.
- I am in competition with no one.
- My intentional actions are bringing me closer to my goals.
- I forgive myself for having a bad day.
- It is okay not to be OK all the time.
- Whatever I do today is enough, and so am I.
- Actually, life is beautiful and I do have time.
- Making mistakes is better than faking perfections.
- I will stop breaking myself into pieces to serve others. I will stay whole.
- Mistakes are just proof that I am trying.
- I will start where I am, use what I have, and do what I can.
- Failing does not make me a failure.
The #1 Life-Changing Workbook for Anxiety You Need Right Now
The Ultimate List of Amazon At-Home Self-Care Essentials
- I release self-criticism and choose to love myself as I am.
- My worth is not connected to my productivity.
- I release my fear of failure and making mistakes.
- I let go of the need for other’s approval.
- Progress, not perfection.
- Practice makes progress.
- My successes or failures do not define me.
- I am allowed to do things just for fun.
- I let go of being perfect. I choose to work on becoming my most authentic self.
- Being perfect isn’t the goal, being myself is.
- I am learning to take one step at a time and one day at a time.
- I choose to get excited about what could go right, not dwell on what could go wrong.
- There is no such thing as failure, only learning.
- I can be imperfect and still do good work.
- Life is not a report card.
- I am learning to be honest with others about my thoughts, feelings, and needs.
- I am learning to let go of guilt and shame.
- I believe that I can change and grow.
- I am willing to change and grow.
- It is okay to say no when I need to.
- It is okay to ask for what I want.
I’ve already put together these affirmations all in one place for you!
Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists!
The full product description for the Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists is available on the Etsy listing. Click on the links provided for more information!
The 4 Best Tips for Journaling as an Anxious Perfectionist
- I let go of taking responsibility for other people’s problems.
- I let go of guilt when I cannot fulfill other’s expectations.
- I am learning to set realistic goals for myself.
- I am learning to set realistic standards for myself.
- I am learning to not be so hard on myself.
- There is no need to push myself. I can move at my own pace.
- I can always do my coping strategies when I need to.
- Fighting and resisting anxieties tied to my perfectionism will not help, so I will let it pass.
- I can take as small a step forward as I need to. I choose to do what feels right for me and my body.
- I don’t need to be perfect to deserve appreciation.
- My contribution matters, even if it’s not perfect.
- I don’t need to reach perfection before I’m allowed to rest.
- I embrace progress, growth, and improvement at my own pace.
- Good enough really is good enough.
- I choose to show myself compassion, patience, and grace.
- My health is more important than my performance or accomplishments.
- I value learning over being right.
- Asking for help reflects strength and courage.
Daily Reflection Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self Everyday
Cultivate Confidence and Empowerment with the Best Self-Esteem Affirmations
- Work does not define who I am as a person.
- I know that things don’t need to be perfect to be good.
- I release the need to control every outcome.
- I am worthy of love and acceptance, flaws and all.
- I accept that I can’t be perfect all the time.
- I give myself permission to make mistakes.
- I am kind to myself, even when I don’t feel good about myself.
- I accept myself as a flawed human being.
- I am learning to be flexible.
- I am whole and complete as I am right now.
- I refuse to let my inner critic silence my self-confidence, self-worth, self-respect, and self-love.
- My needs matter too.
- I am allowed to ask for help.
- I believe in myself and my skills.
- I am in charge of my thoughts and actions.
- I let go of negative thoughts.
- I let go of negative self-talk.
The #1 Life-Changing Workbook for Anxiety You Need Right Now
The 12 Best Date Ideas to Successfully Date Yourself and Show Yourself Some Much-Needed Love
Revamp Your Reset Day Routine With These 4 Remarkable Tips
- I am learning to be confident and secure in who I am.
- I make the world a better place.
- As long as I keep trying, I always find success.
- I am already worthy. I don’t have to prove myself to anybody.
- It’s important and necessary to take time for myself.
- My feelings and needs are important.
- I deserve to be supported by people who care about me.
- I am open to help, assistance, and cooperation from others.
- I easily accept praise and compliments from others.
- I take pride in what I have accomplished in my life.
- I am learning to recognize and take care of my needs.
- I am learning to communicate my needs.
- I approach my goals one day at a time.
- I am learning how to take more time for myself.
- I am learning to let go of guilt, shame, and worry.
- I am enough.
Daily Reflection Journal Prompts to Be Your Best Self Everyday
The Ultimate List of Amazon At-Home Self-Care Essentials
- I like who I am and who I am becoming.
- I deserve to have my voice heard and for myself to be seen.
- I let go of what no longer serves me.
- I am proud of who I am.
- I choose to see the best in myself.
- I have so much to offer to the world.
- I choose to see my beauty, strength, and worth.
- I appreciate myself.
- I am good enough.
- I deserve everything good that comes to me.
- My contributions are valued and appreciated.
- I embody confidence, kindness, and acceptance.
- I deserve happiness and fulfillment in all areas of my life.
- I am special, important, and valued.
- I deserve to live life how I want to.
- My accomplishments are important and so are other things in my life.
- I am learning how to balance work and play in my life.
Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists!
The full product description for the Affirmation Cards for Perfectionists is available on the Etsy listing. Click on the links provided for more information!
The 4 Best Tips for Journaling as an Anxious Perfectionist
And there you have it, 136 incomparable affirmations for perfectionism.
What affirmation did you connect with the most? Are there any affirmations you’d add to this list? Do you have any other helpful tools to overcome perfectionism? How is your journey to overcome perfectionism going? I’d love to hear all about it.
Remember to check out this other tool to help you overcome perfectionism. Brené Brown’s book, “The Gifts of Imperfection”. It’s an easy read and an affordable resource. Click here!
And remember…
You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are.
Sierra Boggess
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